For the holidays, some problems about prime divisors
formalised mathematics
Just in time for the holiday break, here are some small exercises to build your skills. The subject matter is the prime numbers: specifically, the maximum exponent of a prime divisor of a number. A skeleton Isabelle theory file is available, containing all statements of the theorems and necessary definitions or boilerplate, but no proofs. Your task – when not eating, drinking, or watching movies – is to do the proofs, Some are harder than others.
Defining the notion of index
First, a simple fact: if $p$ is prime and $p^k$ divides $mn$, then we can write $k=i+j$ where $p^i$ divides $m$ and $p^j$ divides $n$. It is trivial because a similar proof is built-in and sledgehammer will find it for you.
lemma primepow_divides_prod: fixes p::nat assumes "prime p" "(p^k) dvd (m * n)" shows "∃i j. (p^i) dvd m ∧ (p^j) dvd n ∧ k = i + j" sorry
To reason about the maximum exponent of a prime divisor, we need to show that this maximum exists. It might be helpful to consider the set of all $k$ such that $p^k$ divides $n$. A structured proof that establishes a natural series of basic facts about this set leads to the conclusion.
lemma maximum_index: fixes n::nat assumes "n > 0" "2 ≤ p" shows "∃k. p^k dvd n ∧ (∀l>k. ¬ p^l dvd n)" sorry
Having proved that the maximum index exists,
we could refer to the maximum directly,
using the function Max
Instead, the definition below refers to
the cardinality of the set of possible non-zero indices.
The practical effect of this choice is probably insignificant.
definition index :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where "index p n ≡ if p ≤ 1 ∨ n = 0 then 0 else card {j. 1 ≤ j ∧ p^j dvd n}"
Simple consequences of the definition
The next task is to show that our definition satisfies its objective, characterising $p^k \mid n$. It would make sense to consider carefully the form of the definition, dealing with the degenerate cases separately.
proposition pow_divides_index: "p^k dvd n ⟷ n = 0 ∨ p = 1 ∨ k ≤ index p n" sorry
From that key result, a couple of corollaries follow directly:
corollary le_index: "k ≤ index p n ⟷ (n = 0 ∨ p = 1 ⟶ k = 0) ∧ p^k dvd n" sorry
corollary exp_index_divides: "p^(index p n) dvd n" sorry
And some slightly more difficult problems
The following upper bound for the index of a prime divisor isn’t difficult to prove, but again the degenerate case needs to be treated separately.
lemma index_trivial_bound: "index p n ≤ n" sorry
Next, you can prove the following natural law for the index of a product.
proposition index_mult: assumes "prime p" "m > 0" "n > 0" shows "index p (m * n) = index p m + index p n" sorry
To conclude, the analogous law for the index of a power.
corollary index_exp: assumes "prime p" shows "index p (n^k) = k * index p n" sorry
To get started, simply download the theory file, which also contained the necessary Isabelle boilerplate. If anybody sends me a particularly nice solution to this problem set, I will happily upload it here.